Practically the second thing she said to me after all the niceties was: "Are you considering Bible College?"
Wham-bam-boom. Out of nowhere!
I replied that I wasn't thinking of full-time paid ministry, but I was considering the thought that I might be more effective in a non-Christian working environment.
She gently corrected my thinking of how Bible College was only for those serious about full-time paid ministry by pointing out how much time we spend being educated for this life (primary school, high school, university), and how little time we spend getting ready for the next!!
Imagine my amusement then, when I got home and my QT passage for the day included the following words:
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise both for the present life, and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)
It's definitely something to think about...
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