Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Coping with Fat Days...

A few weeks ago, I woke up on a beautiful summery Tuesday only to realize that I was going to have a Fat day.

[As if waking up wasn't already hard enough by itself!]

For the few of you who are blessed enough to be free from this trial, i.e. those of you who are members of the opposite sex, this is how a Fat Day goes...

You wake up, stumble past the mirror, and think "Haha, Halloween rocks!" Then the thought hits you... Halloween's still months away, and you don't own a mask that looks like your face... (To be fair, if we were to be more technical, Fat Days are actually Fat-and-Ugly-Days).
You put your clothes on and you're like "I NEED TO GO SHOPPING! I used to fit in THAT?!?!"
Then you know. Everything's just going to go haywire from there.

And everything usually does. But you know what? It turned out fine, cause I had such a busy and happy day, I sorta forgot to have my Fat Day! (Yay for early adulthood Alzheimer's ;)

The next morning, I woke up to read the Bible passage for the day which was from 1 Peter 3, about how women are to find their beauty not from appearances and outwardly adornment, but from a quiet, gentle submissive soul. In light of my Fat Day, it made me wonder if we ever had 'Spiritually Fat' days. As I worked through this thought, I realized that no, we shouldn't cause we've got Jesus, and in Him we're perfect and blemish free. He's our spiritual Extreme Makeover! So that was Wednesday.

But on Thursday I woke up to realize that it was going to be a Spiritually Fat day.. Oh dear. But I was prepared, because remember, dear reader, that I had done all my mental preparation the day before. So I pulled myself together, and gave myself a good talking to, and realized that I could either give in to my silly emotions "oh woe is me", or I could Actively Fight For Joy. (The capitalization is very important, because then it becomes a Mission, and I enjoy Missions.) And this followed a two part strategy which I have found very useful for coping with Fat Days, physically or spiritually-induced!

Actively Fighting For Joy:
1) lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of prayer whenever I was feeling particularly down,
2) lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of reminders of God's truths and amazing awesomeness.

And yay, God was kind and good and gracious, and even though I spent a bit of the day still feeling miserably wretched and sinful and awful, it was a contented misery, ‘cause God Gives Peace and Joy. What a great lesson!!! :)

Let us remember not to just give in to our doubtful, negative thoughts, but to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).


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