Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Training and self-discipline

One thing that I’ve been reminded of is that we’re running a race. The end-goal is certain, so we just need to focus on running. I say this, 'cause as a slightly neurotic perfectionistic I tend to be my harshest critic and beat myself up a lot for things I’ve done or haven’t done. However, that's highly unnecessary! We're in training; we don't need to get it perfect the first time... So what if I’ve only managed a two-week stretch of QT’s?!?!? I must not let that get me down! I just need to pick myself up, and improve on that session for next time.. maybe a two week, 3 day stretch next time, you know?!?!

At the same time, we need to remember that training requires self-discipline. Even though we are certain of our victory, we are not called to rest on our laurels; we are called to participate in that victory and RUN THE RACE! I think that materialistic commercial thought dominates the thinking of many godly Christians and we forget that self-discipline is listed as one of the fruits of the Spirit! There was a stage where I wasn't doing my QTs 'cause I managed to persuade myself that I should only do them if my heart was in it... Problem was, my heart WAS in it, but I didn't realize it because my sinful nature persuaded me not to be lazy.

Do you see the paradox here? We are certain of victory because of what God has done, but at the same time we need to attain this goal ourselves. A friend sums this up quite nicely in the following statement: "Be what you are". In other words, do and act like the victorious and blemish-free child of God Jesus has made you!

[Let me know if this doesn't make sense...]

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