Monday, March 28, 2011

Thesis Shmesis. Acknowledgements

I was reading through Carakind's blog, and giggled at her post about Thesising and Writing Acknowledgements.

Read through mine this morning in prep for a meeting with my supervisor:
The last word of acknowledgement is to Jesus Christ, my Lord God and Saviour, without whom none of this would have been possible. As Source of life and being, and the ultimate Word from whom all words flow, thank You.
[You're right, reading my acknowledgements weren't really necessary for the meeting - it just helps to process the sense of trauma that arises at having to read my thesis again].

But I particularly liked her friend's way of phrasing things (mentioned on her blog):
First and foremost I would like to thank God for all the conversations we had leading up to the completion of this study. Amidst all the loneliness of thesis writing you were there throughout.

Oh yeah. Thesising is tough work. God and I had a lot of good talks too. Mostly, with me on my figurative knees.

Good luck to all you people out there who're suffering, I mean, working very hard.

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