Sunday, December 6, 2009


I just had an epiphany about where I currently am in my walk with Jesus.

I have been a Christian now since December 2003, and for about 5/6 years my big struggle every year has been (somewhat inevitably, considering that I'm studying a BA) whether what the Bible says about God was a random made-up theory, or really the real deal.

In the last few years, I realized even as I was going through the annual existential crisis, somewhere I had a deep assurance that I had gone through these questions before, and that the answers were ones that convinced me again and again that Jesus is God.

Without knowing it, the name of the game has changed slightly. My epiphany is that from this point on, the questions surrounding the truthfulness of Christianity will be of lesser importance and create lesser turmoil inside me - instead, the question of satisfaction and meaning and joy will be where my biggest struggles will take place.

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