Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm only human..

I often explain away the times I behave badly, the times I mess up, the times I hurt others with the words "I'm only human."

'Cause surely that's excuse enough to cover over my faults? How can people expect such high standards from me, when the Bible's made it clear that I am naturally sinful and wretched? But I realized I'm going to have to rethink the way I use this phrase, having stumbled upon the following quote:
After each day of creation God declares what he has made to be 'good'. But on the sixth day God's verdict on a world that now includes humanity is 'very good'. God's work wasn't finished until there was something in the world to reflect His glory in the world. We often excuse our actions by saying 'I'm only human.' There's nothing 'only' about begin human: We're truly human as we reflect God's glory.

Yes. I am 'only' human. I do mess up time and time again because. But I think that we only tend to use this phrase in a negative sense, not recognising that being human means being God's image-bearer on earth. And that, my friend, is 'very good'.

PS the quotes from Tim Chester's You can change.
PPS Yes. You're right in thinking that we'll probably be hearing a lot from Tim Chester in the immediate future...


Grace said...

Aaah, the irony:
"I do mess up time and time again because."

I think I meant to place the fullstop after again, but considering the post content, it would be just as apt to finish that sentence as: "I do mess up time and time again because I am 'only' human."

lol :)

Anonymous said...

Great post, Grace. i'm keen to hear more from you and Chester. You might want to check out his blog at http://timchester.wordpress.com; there's always something worthwhile there too.