Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The voice of truth

I'm busy listening to Casting Crowns' The voice of truth, which made me think about ... the voices in your head. I mean, my head. And yours. Ours. Umm. Moving along.
Now now, let's be honest: Everyone's got voices in their head, just like everyone's in the habit of talking to themselves every now and then. (Well, I know I am!). But I don't know if this is also the case for you: quite a lot of the time, the voices in my head can be pretty negative... and horrible. I remember once I was feeling a bit insecure about approaching a group of really pretty people 'cause the voices were saying "You aren't pretty enough to go talk to them/"You're not good enough to be their friend" in the looks-biased approach that the world seems to suggest is normal. But when I told Princess Sarah about these doubts about my self-worth, she said: "Don't listen to those lies. They are not from God."

And that just hit me. God is not the source of our insecurities, our neuroticisms, the negative voices in our heads... So why do we believe them?
Okay, this is not to say that if the voice in your head is telling you not to jump into the fire that you should do it. This post is not advocating that. But I'm talking about NOT LISTENING to the lies that chip away at our self-worth and image as God's children. Lies that generally follow the train of thought: "You're good enough."

Because we are. Everyone is. As children made in God's image, we ARE more than enough.
So remember that. Slay that nasty voice in your head - it's not from God.

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