Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year! AND Sharing your faith in the New Year

Hello, are you well?? YAY! I'm back, alive and well from holidaying with family and friends in a wonderfully warm place further upcountry. I am now multiple shades of brown (and pale), have an uncomfortably darker nose than the rest of my face, and featured as the local Dish of the Week for that area's mosquitos, but am wonderfully relaxed [well, except for when I'm busy scratching away at my mozzie bites!] ! Ready to face the New Year.... Bring it on! [dum dum dum] ...oh dear; famous last words!! ;)

Like many of you I tend not to make or keep any New Year's resolutions. Or if I do, I facetiously say that my New Year's resolution is to not make any! But if I were to say one thing I'm striving for in the New Year, it is what I've been striving for every year ever since I became a Christian: "To live a life worthy of the calling I have received" [Ephesians 4:1]. And I think part living a life worthy is to share our faith with others: with non-Christians so that they too may participate in eternal life with us; and with Christians, so that they are encouraged to keep on.

God's been amazingly gracious and given me ample opportunities with one of my non-Christian friends (many of which I blundered) but right now we're busy in an honest dialogue concerning Christianity and other religions. It's quite exciting that he's interested, but also daunting, 'cause he asks amazingly good questions! (Thank God that He's in control!!)

But while I'm petrified stiff at the questions he's bringing up and the questions that he will still bring up, I'm very grateful that he is asking such good questions- they've been really good at sharpening my thinking and understanding of the gospel.

As Paul writes in Philemon 6:

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith SO that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

So, here's a New Year's challenge to you! Grow by going and sharing your faith with others!

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