Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chasing after beauty

The cousin of a friend of mine was recently spotted on a beach by a model agency's scout, and within the next two weeks, she is jetting off to Milan, quite possibly also Paris and Thailand, where she shall hopefully become known as the "next Cindy Crawford"! Ooh lala!

My friend was telling me how her first shoot went; how they spent a hour and a half on her hair and makeup; how she was unable to recognise herself when she looked at herself in the mirror; and how they still hadn't received the photos yet because they needed to be Photoshopped!

And it just made me a little bit sad... 'Cause all the young girls, fashionable students, older women [and to more and more of a degree, men are also being suckered in by these lies] are chasing after the ideals of beauty found on magazine covers or catwalks or movies.. Except that these "ideals" are so unattainable in real life that they can't just sommer plonk a beautiful girl in front of a camera and take photos of her without hours of preparation and editing before and after.

Does something seem a little bit FAKE to you?!?!?

Interestingly enough, when I mentioned this to Princess Sarah she related how one of her fellow art students had taken a Cosmopolitan mag to class one day to discuss her plans for her project. As soon as she took it out, the lecturer (a well-known and talented photographer) looked at her, and said in slight puzzlement: "But you know that's all fake, right?"

Just a thought.


Byron in london said...

hey gracie...

recently, there hjas been this dove "campaign for realy beauty" campaign. its like a self-esteem thing on beauty. but the real cool thing is that they had this video of how a model goes from "normal" to the front cover. its was all in fast forward, but they showed how they take her face, put tonnes of make up on, take the pics and do loads of photoshopping, just like ur friend. its insane how much effort and fakeness they put into the images so that there is somehow this ideal beauty that people should go for. the reality is such a stark differnce. in proverbs 31:30 it says, " Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." now thats the kind of beauty thats real, genuine and should be persued. and its the kind of beauty that outshines even the most attractive woman.

on the other hand, i think its still wicked cool to complement a woman if she's looking pretty. Old school is still cool. but i think as guys we should be encouraging our fellow sisters and one day our future wives to fear the Lord, because thats what is praisewothy, according to Proverbs.


Anonymous said...

P.S ignore the "Byron in London" blog... its one i tried to start when i was supposed to go to london. i have no idea how to delete it... any ideas??


Grace said...

Here it is:

Anonymous said...

Grace, don't you SLEEP during the holidays?

Seriously though, it really is scary what people look to as beauty. Another example of "fake" beauty is the celebrities on the red carpet. They crash diet for the weeks leading up to the event and then use double-sided tape to stick those beautiful dresses on if needed.

I remember at last year's Oscars, Jessica Alba made the mistake (according to E's presenter) of putting on lip gloss after she got out of her car. SHOCK, HORROR, she wasn't born perfectly made-up and dressed to the nines!

Make-up etc. is great, but if you need it to feel great, you're storing up worldly treasures (that will age, get wrinkles, sag in all the wrong places and ultimately turn to dust) instead of heavenly treasures.

There does seem to be an increasing realization that the photos we see of celebrities and models are anything but true representations of them.