Sunday, January 20, 2008

Good, better, BEST!

I've been struggling through something recently [ooh, how cryptic], but have been blessed by the support of my close Christian sisters and brothers. I've also been extremely encouraged and excited by God's constant reminder of how faithful, how good, and how Sovereign He is, even when it seems to me that everything's just going HaYwiRe!!

Like Paul writes in Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose

Struck by this consistent reminder, I smsed one of my close friends, Goat, to tell her "God is good! And He is giving me His strength and power to be strong, but I'm still a bit sad.. okay, very very sad."

To which she replied:

"Don't let the good be the enemy of the best!"

The point being not that God isn't the best, but that whatever's happening in my life is not MERELY good, but it's the best!! How humbling to think that our God and King is always concerned about what's BEST for us, even though we might only be allowed to understand it with hindsight.

PS Okay okay, I didn't really remember my sms word-for-word, but that's the basic gist. And Goat's sms was not included in its entirety.
PPS Nice referencing, eh!

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