Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God is everywhere..

Like I just mentioned, I spent last week on this awesome youth summit. Aimed at fostering youth potential in social change, the summit brings together 100 of the brightest young minds around the country for a weeklong conference. (Wow, isn't that nicely phrased. It's almost like they paid me to write that) (Or rather, it's almost like they should pay me to write that) (I hope someone who's reading this feels compelled to give me money) (Yeah, that was a hint).

Aaaannywaaay.. if you've been reading my posts regularly, you'll remember that I'd been going through a reconfiguring of identity recently (resulting in a bit of an unsteady temperament and other emotional issues), and for this reason, I was kinda nervous about attending this conference. Also, because I'd thought that this conference was particularly aimed at corporate business types, and e-ve-ry-one knows that hardcore secular business types don't believe in God.

So imagine my excitement to find out that a number of the attendees and of the organising team were Christians! Isn't that crazy? Well, it is. But it's because I tend to forget the power of God's Word to change and convict people of their sin :). But God does work, and people do repent, and yay, it is all so very exciting :) :)

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