Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Carlights Analogy

While I was driving home the other day, a friend who was sitting with me in the car reminded me to switch on the car lights. To those of you who are freaking out a little at the thought of me driving around in the pitch dark.. I'm not that stupid. [I think.] It was twilight - light enough not to need to put on lights to see what was ahead of me, dark enough for my friend to be a li-ttle worried ;). But as I saw the cars swishing past in the oncoming lanes, I realized that sometimes we don't put on the lights for us to see by, but for others to be aware of our prescence.

And I thought, wow, what a cool analogy for the Christian walk. Sometimes we do things for ourselves. Other times, the things we do don't really matter to us, but we do them as examples/ models for other people.

Having said that, I can't think of a single example, so you're on your own there...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as soon as you mentioned the word "car" i was sold! me and cars are like, um, Forrest Gump and that box of chocolates.

okay okay, mmm, i like this one. maybe you can refine it a bit.
so like we are told that we are the light of the world, and we are that because we have the gospel in us and therefore we must let our lights shine so that the world can see. but if we not doing that, the world will just pass us by without seeing how different we are and without seeing the hope that we have.

just as motorists pass those by who dont have their lights on (and sometimes flash us rudely to tell us to switch them on) they should always be on, shining the gospel hope to the hopeless.

i see a sermon illustration and i will steal it b4 you can say, " Patent Pending!" or something like that.

i guess u kinda stuck if you dont have a car.... but if you have a bicycle with that little light at the front, that should do. nice analogy!