Monday, October 26, 2009

So I've been feeling a bit 'out' the past while... musings...

I've never been the typical girl, or even, a person that falls too easily into categories. Not that any of us really are, if we are to believe the PoMos, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not unusual even for unusualities. I'm loud and sociable, the typical extrovert, but at the same time I can't live without my personal, reflective time like any other introvert. I can go for days joking about anything and everything, but at the switch of a tone, I can slip into serious existential discussions. I'm the tomboy who likes to climb things and knows how to punch boys, but I also like wearing dresses and dressing up. I read and think like a BA, but I also really like exercise and sport. [And I miss maths and science.]

Versatile, the Sister calls it. Fair enough. Except that sometimes getting along with everyone means that you don't fit in with anyone at all.

I know that I've presented a lot of stereotypes in the first paragraph, but I think I just wanted to say that sometimes I feel out of sync with whichever group of friends I'm hanging out with. Even with my church friends, who are more than friends - they have the (un)fortunate position of being family, muhahahahhahaha ... Sometimes, especially with my church friends. Umm.. I don't know where I'm actually going with this post. It's not as though I'd like all my readers who are also my friends to suddenly develop an interest in Google Wave (google's latest offering), Ruth Stone (amazing American poet), my gym schedule, and what-happened-when-I-went-wine-tasting-on-Saturday all at the same time, 'cause I have different friends that cater for different types of conversations and friendships. It's not that I want your sympathy or sudden attention either - that's definitely not going to make things better. I think, I just wanted to say that it's okay if you don't fit in either. In fact, how much more amazing is what God has done in unifying for himself a body that doesn't quite always move like an Olympic athlete's but rather like a gangly pre-teen boy.

No, wait. That's not quite the conclusion I was going for either. Let's try this again:

It's okay if you don't fit in, because you shouldn't be defined by the company we keep, nor by the company we slot into. It's okay - 'cause God has made you to be a crazy cool unique individual who doesn't need to feel as though you fit in with a specific group to be a person.

Yes, that's it. Much better.

PS PoMos -Po[st]Mo[dern]s
PPS I don't get along with everyone in the whole world. A lot of people, though ;).

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