Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Aligning hearts

The lovely Miss L sent me an news update from her friend about her struggles to get funding for some overseas flights. I found the most beautifully sentiment expressed in it:
I was convinced, however, that if going there was what God wanted me to do, He would provide. And if He didn’t want it, then I didn’t want to go anyway!

I absolutely love it. I am often disappointed or upset when things don't turn out the way I want or think they should. But here, the friend responds in faith and contentment, surrendering her plans to the Lord:"And if He didn’t want it, then I didn’t want to go anyway!" If only we were always so content and confident in God! If only we always believed that He knows what is best for us!

Dear God

please help my heart to align itself with Your plans for me today.


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