Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So predictable..

I've been having a MAJOR existential crisis the last few weeks with regards to my future. So this time, I tried to be more adult about it all: I wrote out my options on a piece of paper, I asked my nearest and dearest to do a SWOT analysis of me, I prayed on my metaphorical knees, I bugged the brains of the older and wiser.. and I still don't know what I'm going to do. No magic appendix appeared in the back of my Bible, no dreams of me owning an island, no big billboard popping up in my garden.. Nada.

Obviously, this meant I've been in a bit of a tizz. And the thing with existential crises is that you tend to think that each one is special, unique, and the craziest one you've ever experienced. Ever. All other previous existential crises SO dim in comparison.

So imagine my surprise, when I went to have the Annual Debriefing with the Guy in Charge of the English Tutors, and he asked me what I was planning to do with my future. And as I listed my options, he listened attentively, then laughed and said: "Wow, that's pretty much word for word what you told me last year. I swear, if I hauled out your response in the file on my cupboard, it'd be exactly the same!"

Sheepish grin.

What an idiot! I'd completely forgotten that I'd pretty much been reacting the same way last year! So predictable. At least I'm consistent, right? But at the same time, it proved to be a great reminder about God's faithfulness: I'd gotten through this year pretty awesomely despite massive pre-freaking out, so I can surely trust God to look after me again! Yeehah!

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