I'm the laziest owner of glasses you'll ever meet.
For example: the top of my one glasspiece currently has multiple chips along the edge because I'm too lazy to take off my glasses before I yank my jersey or my T-shirt off, sending it flying through the air while hitting a dozen hard objects along the way.
You might be able to guess then that cleaning my glasses isn't a top priority on my list of Things To Do. Sometimes I don't even notice how dirty my glasses have gotten until I realize that there isn't really fog in my room - I just can't see through the oils and dirt on my glasses! (Eew, I sound really dirty, but I'm really not this bad! I'm just exaggerating a little now for dramatic effect)(And speak to anyone who wears glasses: it's really easy getting your glasses dirty, especially if you're into hugging people)(heehee, I'll stop defending myself now!).
However, whenever I bump into one specific friend and my glasses aren't squeaky clean, but haven't become dirty enough for me to actually notice, our interaction generally goes something like this: after chatting to me for a while, he'll sigh, take my glasses off, and while we finish off our conversation, will wipe my glasses clean on his shirt. (Cute friend, hey? :) )
And I just realized now what an apt illustration it is of why we need fellowship with each other. We're living in a world which is constantly smudging our view of and focus on Jesus, sometimes so insidiously that we don't realize it before it's too late. Sometimes all we need is a brother or a sister to come along and help us regain our focus with clarity.
So moral of the story: don't hug Grace.
Just Joking :)
Real moral of the story: Help a partially-sighted Christian today and clean their glasses!!!
7 years ago
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