I just read this most amazing book called "God's Grace and the Homosexual Next Door" by Alan Chambers and the Leadership Team at Exodus International. It's so wonderful I just have to share bits and pieces from it! It's written so graciously and humbly, yet uncompromising on the truth that ALL have sinned and that Jesus has died for ALL :).
Like the previous post, this one is just about a little point one of the authors makes in the book.
He writes that he's
one who notices everything and judges it accordingly. God help those of us with this trait. Some call us prophets, others call us plain old mean.
(I definitely recognise myself in those words.)
But he comes up with a (for me) novel suggestion:
The truth is, that those who often judge others harshly are actually using the gift of encouragement, discernment, and/or prophecy negatively. I know that when the Lord is in the center of my life and I'm seeking to serve others as Christ did, I have incredible discernment and use that to find people to encourage and pray for (p.91).
So let's go use our judgmental hearts and tongues to judge positively :) Cool!
*All extracts from Chambers, Alan. God's Grace and the Homosexual Next Door. USA: Harvest House Publishers, 2006.