Friday, August 1, 2008

So I'm back... again!

Once again after yet another long silence, Grace is back :) I'm sorta like F-R-I-E-N-D-S reruns, I suppose!

Anyway, in the long absence, I've had a holiday, started reading my Bible again after yet another bout of not reading it, stopped reading my Bible again, and then finally.. But let me explain.

So I think I’ve mentioned a few times that I went through a bit of a rough patch, and I thought I’d processed and worked through everything with Jesus, but it turned out that I hadn’t really put God in His proper place as Number 1 in my life. So I started reading my Bible again, I realized that I was still angry/frustrated, so I stopped, which was actually a bit silly. Till a few weeks later when I had coffee with Miss Liza, a wonderfully encouraging and mature older Christian. While we were chatting I realized two things:

1) That I’d sorta let this issue take number 1 spot in my life and put God in the secondary role of psychotherapist whose job it was to deal with issues, instead of thinking of God’s glory first.

2) That I’d let everything overwhelm me to the point that I’d forgotten that I had a choice in the way I was acting!

As I was talking to Miss Liza, I asked her “Will the rest of my Christian life be like this? A long stretch of sorta backsliding and not really trusting or obeying God and then maybe one good month of really loving, trusting and obeying, and then another long stretch of non-growth?” to which she replied: “It’s up to you! It’s your choice!” Well, knock me over with a feather! I’d somehow COMPLETELY forgotten that I had a choice in the matter! How silly!!! And since then, I’ve been taking it one day at a time, choosing to love and obey Jesus Today. Not that it’s easy (it’s never really easy), but I’ve definitely been more at peace now that I’ve put Jesus in His rightful place again, and everything’s just fallen into perspective! YAY!

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