Saturday, May 31, 2008

Interracial relationships?

The other day a friend of mine mentioned that he'd been turned down by a mutual girl friend and one of the reasons she stated was because of of their racial differences.

After all the steam stopped coming off my head, and I started seeing things in a lighter sepia shade rather than bright red, I went to the bathrooms and sat and cried a little. It might seem a bit of an extreme response, especially considering I'm quite awesomely hardcore, and not given to leaking waterdrops at all, but what really saddened me is that he's a Christian... And so's she.

Is it unfair of me to consider this an immature response? What kind of friendship and Christlike behaviour do you show when your actions say something like "okay, despite your race, I'll be your friend and hang out with you and think you're a cool person, look look, I'm not racist 'cause I have friends of other colours", but as soon as it hits too intimate a level your race suddenly jumps up as a factor? What happened to all being equal in Christ? I remember reading a Christian book for females a while back, and it was actually really sound, but the author was against interracial marriages?!?! I think this, quite frankly, is outright bull, but if you can show me in the Bible that my opinion is wrong, I'm happy to listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, i think its sharing time.

this is another touchy subject for many people. it still bothers me a bit, cause i had a similar experience a few years ago. wow, actually it was like 4 years ago.

somehow, i think by some fluke of magic, i was dating this girl about my age. she was white and she was from Pietermaritberg, which didnt bother me one bit cause i was like, " wow im dating someone!!!"

i flew over to maritzburg and met her parents, who were involved Christians in the church. delightful bunch of people. then she kinda broke up with me few weeks later, saying it was her, etc etc.

but i found out a few weeks later that her parents actually said that she must end it, cause i was coloured. serious. man, i must admit that it broke me. not because i was crazy bout her (i later found out that infatuation played a big part) but that even though the parents were Christians, race was still an issue. it was'nt cool.

i really didnt see it coming. because i would have never expected it to come from Christians. and yet it does! as you saw!

so i dont think your reaciton is over reacting at all! i think its right. how can someone who is a christian not want to be involved with another person just because they have different colour skin or have a differnt culture?? its absolutely sinful, and God hates it. there is so much about unity and one-ness in Christ in the Bible that to have that attitude is totally opposite to what God wants.

and what racial differences??? which are you first and foremost, white or chinese, or a Christian??

man, this really urks me. everyone is different. if you choose not to date someone based on racial differences, you might as well say im not gonna date this person because he/she does something i dont like. it becomes selfish. in fact, thats what it is. sinful and selfish.

i think people should get over this, especially Christians. not because our country is trying to get over this racial issue, but that God commands it.

i really dont know who that author was who is against interracial marriages, but he's wrong. God is not against interracial marriages, God is against us discriminating based on colour. because that's what you are doing when you choose someone based on their colour.

i dunno, pls comment and tell me what you think.