Monday, January 7, 2008

Keeping your word

I would really like to be known as a woman of my word. Someone who you can trust to follow through on what she says, whether it's something as silly as "I'll bring the chips to the party tonight", or important as "I'll look after Timmy while he swims".

It's been hard 'cause that means I've had to swallow a lot of my words and watch what I spontaneously sprout [and when I say spontaneously, I mean that I would and could rival Vesuvius in spontaneous eruptions!].

(Yet, it is satisfying to be someone others can take as face value and that others can trust. We are to be like our Father in everything, and if we cannot take His Word seriously, man oh man oh man, are we in SERIOUS trouble!)

I was reminded of this decision I'd made when I read this in Psalm 15 (1, 4):

Lord, who may dwell
in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?
who keeps his oath even when it hurts.

When was the last time you kept your oath EVEN WHEN IT HURTS?

I can't remember when.


Unknown said...

me too. i want to have words as good as rocks... solid. and i can't remember either. i tried recently and failed. a bit too much in the seemingly "small" things. but how can i be trusted with heavenly things if my word fails here on earth? hmmm. thanks miss kim. and sorry i missed you last week. i was looking forward to seeing you. but your are invited to gtown on the 1st of march for my dinner.

Anonymous said...

sherbet gracie.... i think u stumbled on some top stuff. i think we are to quick to make promises and things without considering if we'll do it. i guess we dont want to dissapoint people by saying no but then we end up dissapointing them more by not keeping our word.

The few verses that always strike me is from 2 Timothy 2: 11 - 13, where Paul is reflecting on the faithfulness of God. even though we are faithless, God is absolutely faithful and keeps his word. He did it with the Israelites all those years, He did it with Jesus and He will keep his word with us. i guess we are in big trouble if we dont keep his word. maybe this helps, i get these random thoughts as well.

flip man, this is good thinking. top stuff!!!!