Part 3: How do we keep ourselves?
We have a duty to keep ourselves and to keep each other.
What is the single best way to keep yourself in ministry?
1) Keep yourself a Christian
2) Keep yourself continuing in what you have learnt
We also have a responsibility to keep each other
- there is no such thing as privatized Christianity.
Umm. Yeah. This is a short one, 'cause I kinda got over taking notes at this point. Heehee.
Hmmm. I found it helpful to reconsider reasons for ministry etc., but I was expecting many more practical tips about burn out. Instead, I found that after these sessions, I felt obligated to get involved with more ministries, instead of trying to cut down on my own current number (which a person containing a measure of sensibility might suggest). So. Burn out, huh. Fortunately, a friend of mine recently went to see a Christian psychologist about this, who was apparently VERY helpful with practical tips, so once she has emailed me the notes, I'll post them up here. Till then, exercise, eat healthy, sleep enough, and laugh.
7 years ago